Over time, I have saved a series of Solr queries that I have found to be extremely useful in understanding, troubleshooting and maintaining xDB Solr indexes. Some are especially useful when performing an xDB index rebuild.
Getting Started
After downloading the Sitecore xDB.postman_collection.json file, you can install it in your Postman application by clicking the "Import" button located in the top-left corner of the app and selecting the file downloaded on your computer.
After doing this, you will see the Sitecore xDB collection appear in your Postman app:
The core / index name, and Solr url are variables, so the next thing you want to do is set the values for your configuration.
Click on the Sitecore xDB collection, and then the more actions option (3 dots) will appear. Click on Edit, and then navigate to Variables.
Set the solr_url variable to your Solr instance url, and the xdb_index to match the index you want to work with.
There are two xConnect Solr cores: the live core (usually xdb) and the rebuild core, which has a _rebuild suffix (like xdb_rebuild). So, you can set this to either value, depending on the core you want to work with.
That's it! You should be ready to test.
Working with the collection
The collection has the following queries available to help with your troubleshooting or maintenance.
xDB Contacts Count
This will return the number of contacts in your index (shown in the numberFound value that is returned).
When you start an index rebuild, depending on the core you have configured, you will see this number initially be 0, and then gradually start to increase as contacts get added to the core from your shard databases.
Obviously, this is also useful to see how many total contacts you have in your index over time.
xDB Interactions Count
This returns the number of interactions in your index (shown in numberFound value that is returned).
xDB Docs Count
This returns the total number of documents in your xDB core. This is a combination of contacts and interactions.
xDB Sync Token
This returns the sync token which is a key component of the Sitecore xConnect / xDB optimistic concurrency model. See more information about it here:
xDB Rebuild Status
As described in one of my previous posts, it will return the status of your index, which is especially useful if you are performing an index rebuild.
Default = 0
RebuildRequested = 1
Starting = 2
RebuildingExistingData = 3
RebuildingIncomingChanges = 4
Finishing = 5
Finished = 6
xDB Schema Modifications
When setting up xDB cores for the first time, you are required to make specific schema modifications to both your xDB and xDB rebuild cores using the Solr Schema API. See the Sitecore docs site for more information:
This post request contains the JSON schema modifications that need to be applied to each core. The JSON that is used in the Body of this request can be found in the schema.json file located in the \App_Data\solrcommands folder of your xConnect instance.
xDB Delete Interactions
Do not use this in your Production environment! Like the name implies, it will remove interactions from your index. This is useful for local dev environments, if you need to clean things up in your index. This can also we used as an example for working in with your Solr cores via the API.
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